Bhartiya vidya mandir lps school, sirnoor - located in rural area of gulbarga south block (tehsil). the location of school is sirnoor in kalaburagi district, karnataka. Pin code of sirnoor is 585102.
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About Bhartiya Vidya Mandir Lps School, Sirnoor, Gulbarga South
If you are looking for more details regarding exam schedule, fees, result, application form, syllabus and admission process, kindly contact the concerned department of the school. rating is bases on public domain Information
What is a Schools
The word school derives from Greek σχολή (scholē), originally meaning 'leisure' and also 'that in which leisure is employed', but later 'a group to whom lectures were given', school.
A school is an educational institution designed to provide learning space and learning environment for the teaching of students under the direction of teachers. Most countries have a system of formal education, which is sometimes compulsory.
In ancient India, schools were in the form of 'Gurukuls'. Gurukuls were traditional Hindu residential teaching schools, usually the teacher's house or monastery. Today schools in India are commonly known by the Sanskrit words Vidyashram, Vidyalaya, Vidya Mandir, Vidya Bhavan. In southern languages, it is known as Pallikudam or Padasalai. During the Mughal rule, madrasas were started in India to educate the children of Muslimparents.