Find Pincode or PIN Code of Degree College in Ghazipur District (Uttar Pradesh, India) with address, map, postal code, contact and phone number details. Degree College Pin Code is 233001. Lookup zip code, postal code or list of post office near me by Pin Code Finder Tool. Get Pin Code of any city, village and town in India with postal department, postal service information.
Pin Code / Post Office Finding Tool | |
Check Post Office and Pin Code Details (Select State ⇒ District ⇒ 1st Letter ⇒ Post Office to see Pin Code Details) |
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Post Office | |
Title | Details |
Location | Degree College |
Post Office Type | Sub Office |
Pin Code | 233001 |
Delivery Status | Not Delivery |
Locality Type | Post Office |
District | Ghazipur |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
Postal Circle | Uttar Pradesh Circle |
Postal Region | Allahabad Region |
Postal Division | Ghazipur Division |
Address | Postmaster Degree College, District - Ghazipur, State - Uttar Pradesh, India (IN) PIN Code - 233001 |
List of Locality / Post Office with Same Name as Degree College | |
1 | Degree College, Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh |
2 | Degree College, Bageshwar, Uttarakhand |
City - Village | Pin Code | District |
Degree College | 233001 | Ghazipur |
Ghazipur | 233001 | Ghazipur |
Ghazipur City | 233001 | Ghazipur |
Ghazipur RS | 233001 | Ghazipur |
Markeenganj | 233001 | Ghazipur |
Subhashnagar Ghazipur | 233001 | Ghazipur |
Ques 1.: What is the pincode of Degree College?
Ans.: PIN Code of Degree College is 233001.
Ques 2.: Which Places PIN code is 233001?
Ans.: 233001 Pin Code is cover multiple location. Few of them are Degree College, Ghazipur, Ghazipur City, Ghazipur RS, Markeenganj, Subhashnagar Ghazipur,
Ques 3.: What are basic details about degree college Post Office?
Ans.: Degree College Post Office is belongs to Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh.
Ques 4.: How can I search for the PIN Code of my Location?
Ans.: Its 6th Step process.
1. Come at Website
2. Click on Pin Code Option.
3. Select your State - Uttar Pradesh
4. Select your District - Ghazipur
5. Select first Letter of your Location - D
6. Select your Location - Degree College
Pin Code refers to a six-digit code in the Indian postal code system used by India Government. Pin Code is Six Digit Code. The Pincode system was introduced on August-15, 1972 by Shriram Bhikaji Velankar, an additional secretary in the Union Ministry of Communications. First digit reflects region, second the sub-region, third the sorting district, and last three represent the post office code. India has nine PIN zones.
Postal Circle | Region | Pin Code Prefix |
Delhi | 11 |
Haryana | 12–13 |
Punjab | 14–15 |
Chandigarh | 16 |
Himachal Pradesh | 17 |
Jammu and Kashmir | 18–19 |
Ladakh | 18–19 |
Uttar Pradesh | 20–28 |
Uttarakhand | 20–28 |
Rajasthan | 30–34 |
Daman and Diu | 396210 |
Dadra and Nagar Haveli | 396 |
Gujarat | 36–39 |
Goa | 403 |
Maharashtra | 40–44 |
Madhya Pradesh | 45–48 |
Chhattisgarh | 49 |
Telangana | 50 |
Andhra Pradesh | 51–53 |
Karnataka | 56–59 |
Puducherry | 605 |
Tamil Nadu | 60–66 |
Lakshadweep | 682 |
Kerala | 67–69 |
Sikkim | 737 |
Andaman and Nicobar Islands | 744 |
West Bengal | 70–74 |
Odisha | 75–77 |
Assam | 78 |
Arunachal Pradesh | 790–792 |
Meghalaya | 793–794 |
Manipur | 795 |
Mizoram | 796 |
Nagaland | 797–798 |
Tripura | 799 |
Bihar | 80–85 |
Jharkhand | 80–85 |
Army Postal Service | 90–99 |