If you are looking for a Unique and Cute vrishchika rashi baby girl names starting with n with meaning. Get modern, latest taurus baby girl names as per astrology and zodiac sign which are popular, trending, top, cool, tradition and modern.
Name |
Meaning |
Gender |
Nihar |
Covered with the morning|Dew; ... |
Unisex |
Nihara |
Snow Drop; Waterfall|Steep des... |
Unisex |
Nihareeka |
Bunches of Star|Dew drops; Bun... |
Girl |
Nihari |
Descent, attractive girl... |
Unisex |
Niharika |
Dew Drops|Dew drops; Bunches o... |
Unisex |
Niharikha |
Admired for her looks... |
Girl |
Niharshana |
TRUE... |
Girl |
Nihinsa |
One who is innocent... |
Girl |
Nihira |
Laxmi|Newly found treasure|Tre... |
Girl |
Nihitha |
Ever Living Girl|Ever Living; ... |
Girl |
Nihu |
Lovely... |
Girl |
Nij |
By his own, gratitude, gratefu... |
Unisex |
Nijitha |
-Not Available-... |
Girl |
Nijta |
Combination of Love; Union of ... |
Girl |
Niju |
Pan Sophist|Pan-sophist|Pansop... |
Unisex |
Nika |
Belongs to god|Bringer of Vict... |
Unisex |
Nikandarya |
Goddess Saraswati... |
Girl |
Nikara |
Assembly, gathering, group, cr... |
Unisex |
Nikasha |
Made; Gold... |
Girl |
Nikeeta |
Not Scared... |
Girl |
Niketa |
A house; A habitation; A place... |
Unisex |
Nikhila |
A person who is complete or wh... |
Unisex |
Nikhileswari |
Sovereign Goddess of All... |
Girl |
Nikhisha |
-Not Available-... |
Girl |
Nikhit |
High-pitched, piercing, harsh,... |
Unisex |
Nikhita |
Earth, Ganges|Ecosphere, domai... |
Unisex |
Nikhitha |
Earth; Victorious People... |
Girl |
Niki |
A Familiar Form of Nicole|Femi... |
Unisex |
Nikiaksh |
-Not Available-... |
Girl |
Nikisha |
Beautiful|Small; Intelligent a... |
Girl |
Nikita |
Earth / Ganges|Earth, Ganges|E... |
Unisex |
Nikitaa |
Temple... |
Girl |
Nikitha |
Earth; Victorious; Unconquerab... |
Girl |
Nikithi |
Unconquerable... |
Girl |
Nikitsa |
-Not Available-... |
Girl |
Nikki |
Abbreviation of Nicholas. Myth... |
Unisex |
Nikky |
Cute and beautiful|People's Vi... |
Unisex |
Niksha |
Kiss|Victorious... |
Girl |
Nikshiptha |
Victory... |
Girl |
Nikshita |
Self depends... |
Girl |
Nikshitha |
Victorious; Sharp; Earth; Beau... |
Girl |
Niku |
People of Victory; Cute|People... |
Unisex |
Nikunja |
Enchanting|Grove of Trees|Grov... |
Unisex |
Nila |
Blue|Blue; Enchanting Moon; Th... |
Unisex |
Nilaa |
Moon|Moon; Blue Coloured... |
Unisex |
Nilaan |
Blue Jewel... |
Girl |
Nilaganga |
Blue river, A river with pure ... |
Girl |
Nilain |
Dark blue, Sapphire... |
Girl |
Nilaksa |
Blue eyed... |
Girl |
Nilakshi |
Blue Eyed|Blue-Eyed|Blueboyeye... |
Unisex |
Nilam |
Blue Sapphire|Blue Sapphire; P... |
Girl |
Nilambari |
Blue sky; Clothed in blue|Clot... |
Unisex |
Nilani |
Enchanting Moon|Enchanting Moo... |
Unisex |
Nilanjali |
-Not Available-... |
Girl |
Nilanjana |
Blue; One with blue eyes|One W... |
Girl |
Nilanshi |
Part of Lord Shiva; Blue Ansh... |
Girl |
Nilaruna |
First light of dawn|The First ... |
Unisex |
Nilasha |
Blueness|Blueness; Starting Ne... |
Unisex |
Nilashri |
Blue Beauty|Loveliness or attr... |
Unisex |
Nilavalagi |
Beautiful Like The Moon... |
Girl |