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Hindu Nakshatra Rashi Mesha / Aries Dhanu / Sagittarius Vrishchika / Scorpio Vrishabha / Taurus Kanya / Virgo Mithuna / Gemini
HomeBaby NamesRashiVrishchika RashiBoy

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Unique, Cute, Latest & Modern Taurus / Vrishchika Rashi Baby Boy Names Starting with Y with Meaning

If you are looking for a Unique and Cute vrishchika rashi baby boy names starting with y with meaning. Get modern, latest taurus baby boy names as per astrology and zodiac sign which are popular, trending, top, cool, tradition and modern.

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Category List
Vrishchika Rashi Baby Boy Names Start with
Vrishchika Rashi Boy Names Vrishchika Rashi Girl Names Vrishchika Rashi Unisex Names

Vrishchika Rashi Baby Boy Names Beginning with Y

Name Meaning Gender
Yara Friend|Little Butterfly|The Br... Unisex
Yardan King|to flow down... Boy
Yaro Friends|Son... Boy
Yaron He Will Sing|He Will Sing; He ... Boy
Yarshit -Not Available-... Boy
Yarzar A mighty ruler|King... Boy
Yas A Flower; Jasmine|Jasmine|Snow... Unisex
Yasar Ease; Wealth|Ease; Wealth; Liv... Boy
Yasas Understanding... Boy
Yasaskara Victorious... Boy
Yasasri God's name of success; Victory... Unisex
Yasaswi Keerthi; Famous|Successful; Fa... Unisex
Yash Raj Victory, Glory, Fame, Success|... Boy
Yash Fame|Fame; Success|Glory... Boy
Yasha Defends man|Fame|Fame; Success... Unisex
Yashal Brilliant; Radiant|Freshness, ... Unisex
Yashameet Fame... Boy
Yashas Fame|Fame, a famous person|Fam... Boy
Yashasavi Famous; Glorious; Successful|S... Boy
Yashashree God's name for success|God's n... Unisex
Yashashri God's name of success; Victory... Unisex
Yashashwi Glory... Boy
Yashaskar -Not Available-... Boy
Yashaskaram Bestower of Fame And Fortune... Boy
Yashasva Full of Fame... Boy
Yashasvat Famous; Glorious|Glorious; Fam... Boy
Yashasvi Famous|Happiness; Successful; ... Unisex
Yashasvin Famous; Glorious|Glorious; Fam... Boy
Yashaswin Successful Boy... Boy
Yashaswinath Lord Shiva... Boy
Yashasya Leading to Glory... Boy
Yashavanth -Not Available-... Boy
Yashawant Always Famous... Boy
Yashawanta Glory; Victory|Victory; Glory... Boy
Yashdeep Honour|Success; The light of g... Boy
Yashesh Fame|Fame and popularity... Boy
Yashik Happiness; Honorary and Marria... Boy
Yashil Success|Success; Lord Shiva|Su... Boy
Yashir Wealthy... Boy
Yashish Fame... Boy
Yashit Person who brings fame, Famous... Boy
Yashita Fame|Fame and popularity|Famou... Unisex
Yashith A person who brings fame, Famo... Boy
Yashiv Lord Shiva... Boy
Yashkaran Fame... Boy
Yashmeet Lord of Fame; King of Hearts... Boy
Yashmit Famed|Famed, a famous person|F... Boy
Yashna One With Fame|One with Fame; P... Unisex
Yashneil Famous, Glorious, Successful|F... Unisex
Yashodev Lord of Fame... Boy
Yashodhan One who is rich in fame, famou... Unisex
Yashodhar Famous... Boy
Yashodhara Bearer of fame or glory|Glory|... Unisex
Yashomitra Lord of Fame... Boy
Yashonanadan Lord Krishna... Boy
Yashovar Famous; Glorious|Glorious; Fam... Boy
Yashovardhana One who improve your glory|Vic... Boy
Yashovarman Rich in Fame|Victorious, Glori... Boy
Yashovat Possessing Glory and Fame... Boy
Yashpaal One Who Protects|One who Prote... Boy
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A to Z Hindu Boy Baby Names List
Hindu Boy Names Hindu Girl Names Hindu Unisex Names
Modern Baby Names
Menandro Lohrasp Inara
Chandaka Trushika Ayusri
Edlynn Madlyn Hesperos
Almaas Ergin Faivish
Butros Kirkby Gaston
Chada Roopesha Visha
Rashi Name Starting Letter
Dhanu / Sagittarius Bh, F, Dh
Kanya / Virgo P, Tthh
Karka / Cancer Dd, H
Kumbha / Aquarius G, S, Sh
Makara / Capricorn Kh, J
Meena / Pisces D, Ch, Z, Th
Mesha / Aries A, L, E, I, O
Mithuna / Gemini K, Chh, Gh, Q, C
Simha / Leo M, Tt
Tula / Libra R, T
Vrishchika / Scorpio N, Y
Vrishabha / Taurus B, V, U, W

Baby Names

A Name is a term used for identification. They can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context. A Human name identifies, not necessarily uniquely like digital code but meaning important because its make you unique or its connect to your Country, Origin, Language, Ancestry, History, Society, Culture, Nation, Ethnicity, Religion and Race.

WebConte provide list of A to Z Baby Names with Significant Meaning, Numerology, Zodiac Sign (Rashi) and which are Unique, Cute, Modern, Latest, Popular, Cool, Trendy, Religious, Traditional Lovely, Ancient and Perfect Name for your Newborn Baby.

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Country wise Baby Names
Afghanistan Armenia
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