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Hindu Rashi Nakshatra Dhanishta Uttara Bhadrapada Hasta Purva Ashadha Revati Shatabhisha Mrigashirsha
HomeBaby NamesNakshatraUttara Phalguni Nakshatra

Unique, Cute, Latest & Modern Uthiram / Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Baby Unisex Names with Meaning

If you are looking for a Unique and Cute uttara phalguni nakshatra baby unisex names with meaning. Get modern, latest uthiram nakshatra baby unisex names as per astrology and zodiac sign which are hindu, popular, trending, top, cool, tradition and modern. A unisex name (also known as gender neutral name or an androgynous name) is a given name that is not gender specific which for both boy or girl.
Uttara Phalguni is a Nakshatra in Hindu astrology. It is also known as Uthiram in Tamil Nadu and Uthram in Malayalam.

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Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Baby Unisex Names with Meaning

Name Meaning Gender
Parnashri Leafy Beauty|Leafy beauty; One... Unisex
Paramjit Heroic|Heroic Paranjay Varun|H... Unisex
Panduloha Name given to the deity; very ... Unisex
Parneet Expert in Making Policies; Mar... Unisex
Pathina One with understanding and lov... Unisex
Pari Angel; Charitable Princess; Fa... Unisex
Paramsukh Happiness; Supreme Joy and Bli... Unisex
Pavani Goddess Ganga|Hanuman|Honey; L... Unisex
Toyalaya Contented... Unisex
Pahwa Lord Vishnu|One who can unders... Unisex
Padmavati Full of lotus flowers, A wife ... Unisex
Palash A Flowering|A flowery tree; Gr... Unisex
Parrish A habitational name; a guardia... Unisex
Palvinder Moments Spent with Lord|Moment... Unisex
Parbarti One who is the daughter of the... Unisex
Pingla Goddess Durga|Goddess Lakshmi;... Unisex
Panita Admired|Admired; One who feels... Unisex
Patralekha A Name From Ancient Epics|Name... Unisex
Tomara Your Own... Unisex
Pariyat Flower|Flower; Beautiful; Soft... Unisex
Paavana Holy; Sacred; Freshness; Purit... Unisex
Pandita Learned; The Wise Man; Person|... Unisex
Padmarekha Lotus Like Lines On Palm|Lotus... Unisex
Pakasansa God of Cow|One who is the God ... Unisex
Pavitra A chaste and pure individual|H... Unisex
Paritosh Contentment|Contentment, Satis... Unisex
Toru A vast and huge sea of water|B... Unisex
Panshu A name given to the majestic L... Unisex
Pallab A Leaf|New Leaves|New leaves p... Unisex
Piaar Love, Attachment; Beloved; Dea... Unisex
Padmini Lotus|Lotus Flower|Lotus Pond... Unisex
Pitanila Goddess Durga|The name of the ... Unisex
Pirro Flaming Hair; Red Haired|Flami... Unisex
Pihu A loving chattering of birds|C... Unisex
Pakkiri Independent and happy go lucky... Unisex
Payoda Cloud|Cloud; One who Gives Wat... Unisex
Todara -Not Available-... Unisex
Parsha Pious; Pure or chaste or devou... Unisex
Paridhi Brilliant Like Sun|Circumferen... Unisex
Paramgeet The Highest Song of Bliss|The ... Unisex
Pasamili A happy go lucky; spontaneous ... Unisex
Padmalaya House of Lotus; One who was bo... Unisex
Parinita A married woman|Complete|Compl... Unisex
Payal Anklet|Anklets; An ornament wh... Unisex
Pallas A beautiful and humble maiden|... Unisex
Palaka A Hope of Moment|Guardian|They... Unisex
Parul Beautiful; Practical; Kind; Na... Unisex
Pavni Honey; Lord Hanuman; True; Hol... Unisex
Patava Beautiful|The one who can appr... Unisex
Pandala A person who lives in Pandala|... Unisex
Parya A Bird|A devoted and understan... Unisex
Paramjot Flame of the Supreme; God's Li... Unisex
Tokma Japan's Capital... Unisex
Parvathi Daughter of the king of mounta... Unisex
Pauravi Daughter of the mountain|Daugh... Unisex
Pathana One who is born to appreciate ... Unisex
Parinda A person who resembles a bird|... Unisex
Piyali A Tree|A tree, someone who is ... Unisex
Pavan A Cleanser; Breeze; Holy; Sacr... Unisex
Patalin One who is a social and friend... Unisex
Pameela Honey|Honey; Sweet; All sweetn... Unisex
Patri A Noble Name; A Patrician|A Pa... Unisex
Pahal A beautiful and wonderful begi... Unisex
Palak Blinking; Eyelashes; Eyes; Eye... Unisex
Paramseetal Most Peaceful and Happy|Most P... Unisex
Paramjog One Uniting with the Highest|O... Unisex
Paramdeep One who is the from the land o... Unisex
Parnika A Small Leaf|A Small Leaf, Par... Unisex
Paramvir Great Warrior|The Greatest War... Unisex
Pina Drinking|Yahweh will give anot... Unisex
A to Z Hindu Unisex Baby Names List
Hindu Boy Names Hindu Girl Names Hindu Unisex Names
Modern Baby Names
Demond Anghus Devakusuma
Avnesh Cassiah Shristhi
Abdulwaliy Alson Rosmia
Jalees Iyapo Jaziya
Karunamoyee Furoogh Shankhin
Erynne Muhja Wibke
Nakshatra Name Starting Letter
Anuradha / Anusham Na, Nae, Ne, Nee, Ni, Noo, Nu
Ardra / Thiruvaathirai Chha, Gha, Kam, Ku, Na, Ng
Ashlesha / Aayilyam Day, De, Dee, Di, Do, Doo, Du
Ashvini / Aswathi Chay, Che, Cho, Chu, La
Bharani Le, Lee, Li, Lo, Lu
Chitra / Chithirai Pe, Po, Ra, Ri
Dhanishta / Avittam Ga, Ge, Gee, Gi, Gu
Hasta / Hastham Poo, Pu, Sha, Tha
Jyeshtha / Kettai No, U, Ya, Yi, Yu
Krittika / Karthigai A, E, Ea, Ee, I, U
Magha / Makam Ma, Me, Mi, Mu
Moola / Moolam Bh, Bha, Bhi, Ye, Yo
Mrigashirsha / Makeeryam Be, Bo, Ka, Ki, Ve, Vo
Punarvasu / Punarpoosam Ha, Hi, Ke, Ko
Purva Ashadha / Pooraadam Bhu, Dha, Pha
Purva Bhadrapada / Poorattathi Da, Di, Se, So
Purva Phalguni / Pooram Mo, Ta, Te, Ti
Pushya / Poosam Da, He, Ho, Hu
Revati / Revathi Cha, Chi, De, Do
Rohini Ba, Bee, Bi, Bu, O, Va, Vee, Vi, Vu
Shatabhisha / Chathayam Go, S, Sa, See, Si, Su
Shravana / Thiruvonam Je, Jo, Ju, Khe, Khee, Khi, Kho, Khu
Swati / Swaathi Re, Ro, Roo, Ru, Ta
Uttara Ashadha / Uthiraadam Bhe, Bho, Ja, Ji
Uttara Bhadrapada / Uthirattathi Du, Jha, Tha, Tra
Uttara Phalguni / Uthiram Pa, Pi, To
Vishakha / Visaakam Tae, Te, To, Tu

Baby Names

A Name is a term used for identification. They can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context. A Human name identifies, not necessarily uniquely like digital code but meaning important because its make you unique or its connect to your Country, Origin, Language, Ancestry, History, Society, Culture, Nation, Ethnicity, Religion and Race.

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