If you are looking for a Unique and Cute uttara phalguni nakshatra baby boy names starting with pa with meaning. Get modern, latest uthiram nakshatra baby boy names as per astrology and zodiac sign which are hindu, popular, trending, top, cool, tradition and modern.
Uttara Phalguni is a Nakshatra in Hindu astrology. It is also known as Uthiram in Tamil Nadu and Uthram in Malayalam.
Name |
Meaning |
Gender |
Pappuyan |
A person who is creative and h... |
Boy |
Pappuyha |
A name given to a rhyming bird... |
Boy |
Pappy |
Kiss|Kiss; A pet name used by ... |
Boy |
Para |
Best; The Goddess who is above... |
Unisex |
Paraag |
A pollen; imaginative and crea... |
Boy |
Paraaga |
Flower Necter|The pollen grain... |
Boy |
Paraashar |
A Celebrated Saint|Celebrated ... |
Boy |
Parabrahma |
The ultimate conscious being... |
Boy |
Parabrahmana |
The supreme absolute truth... |
Boy |
Parabrahmane |
Supreme godhead... |
Boy |
Parada |
The name of a brahman who brou... |
Boy |
Paradeep |
A considerate individual|King... |
Boy |
Paradhaman |
Supreme Adobe|Supreme Adobe; P... |
Boy |
Paradhya |
Advantage|Advantage; the one w... |
Boy |
Parag |
Emerald|Pollen Grains|Pollen G... |
Unisex |
Paraga |
Uplifter of the poor... |
Boy |
Paragata |
one who has crossed over safel... |
Boy |
Paraj |
A ride; has a heavenly body an... |
Boy |
Parajika |
A Raagini|A raagini in Indian ... |
Unisex |
Paraka |
0carrying over|delivering|sati... |
Boy |
Parakasha |
Bright... |
Boy |
Parakh |
Pleasing; Satisfying|Satisfyin... |
Boy |
Parakram |
One who is born with strength ... |
Boy |
Parakshit |
-Not Available-... |
Boy |
Param Hans |
One who is born with supreme s... |
Boy |
Param |
A supreme and best person|Bein... |
Boy |
Parama |
Best|Supreme; Highest|The Best... |
Unisex |
Paramaadhar |
Taking the Highest Support|Tak... |
Boy |
Paramaanand |
Very Happy... |
Boy |
Paramahamsa |
A Sage of Highest Order (eg:ra... |
Boy |
Paramahans |
Sadguru (Holy teacher)... |
Boy |
Paramajeet |
Victory of Supreme|Victory of ... |
Boy |
Paramajith |
The Perfect Winner... |
Boy |
Paramak |
Highest; The Best|One who is a... |
Boy |
Paramakuru |
Ultimate|Ultimate; Supreme; Hi... |
Boy |
Paraman |
God Sivan|Highest; Supreme|Nam... |
Boy |
Paramanand |
One who remains happy; express... |
Boy |
Paramananda |
One who has superlative joy|Su... |
Boy |
Paramantra |
Acceptor of Rama's Mantra only... |
Boy |
Paramapurusha |
The supreme Man... |
Boy |
Paramarath |
A Spiritual Person|A Spiritual... |
Boy |
Paramarth |
Highest; Divine truth... |
Boy |
Paramartha |
Highest Or Divine Truth|Highes... |
Boy |
Paramasivam |
Lord Shiva; Param - supreme; H... |
Boy |
Paramasivan |
Lord Shiva|Name of the majesti... |
Boy |
Paramasukha |
ultimate bliss... |
Boy |
Paramatam |
Supreme Soul|Supreme Soul; Ult... |
Boy |
Paramatma |
Lord of all beings|Supersoul|S... |
Boy |
Paramatman |
One who has the the supreme sp... |
Boy |
Paramatmane |
The supreme soul... |
Boy |
Parambir |
One who is of the greatest of ... |
Unisex |
Parambodh |
Greatest Gnostic|Greatest Gnos... |
Boy |
Paramdaya |
Most Compassionate One|Most Co... |
Boy |
Paramdeep |
One who is the from the land o... |
Unisex |
Paramdesh |
Highest Truth|The highest God|... |
Boy |
Paramdev |
A Godly Person|A godly and int... |
Boy |
Paramdhan |
Wealth of Naam|Wealth of Naam;... |
Boy |
Paramdharam |
Superior Religion|Superior Rel... |
Boy |
Paramesh |
Lord Shiva|Lord Shiva; Lord Vi... |
Boy |
Paramesha |
Supreme Lord|Supreme and might... |
Boy |