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Hindu Rashi Nakshatra Uttara Bhadrapada Punarvasu Ashvini Mrigashirsha Ardra Ashlesha Vishakha
HomeBaby NamesNakshatraUttara Phalguni NakshatraBoy

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Unique, Cute, Latest & Modern Uthiram / Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Baby Boy Names Starting with Pa with Meaning

If you are looking for a Unique and Cute uttara phalguni nakshatra baby boy names starting with pa with meaning. Get modern, latest uthiram nakshatra baby boy names as per astrology and zodiac sign which are hindu, popular, trending, top, cool, tradition and modern.
Uttara Phalguni is a Nakshatra in Hindu astrology. It is also known as Uthiram in Tamil Nadu and Uthram in Malayalam.

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Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Baby Boy Names Beginning with Pa

Name Meaning Gender
Pappuyan A person who is creative and h... Boy
Pappuyha A name given to a rhyming bird... Boy
Pappy Kiss|Kiss; A pet name used by ... Boy
Para Best; The Goddess who is above... Unisex
Paraag A pollen; imaginative and crea... Boy
Paraaga Flower Necter|The pollen grain... Boy
Paraashar A Celebrated Saint|Celebrated ... Boy
Parabrahma The ultimate conscious being... Boy
Parabrahmana The supreme absolute truth... Boy
Parabrahmane Supreme godhead... Boy
Parada The name of a brahman who brou... Boy
Paradeep A considerate individual|King... Boy
Paradhaman Supreme Adobe|Supreme Adobe; P... Boy
Paradhya Advantage|Advantage; the one w... Boy
Parag Emerald|Pollen Grains|Pollen G... Unisex
Paraga Uplifter of the poor... Boy
Paragata one who has crossed over safel... Boy
Paraj A ride; has a heavenly body an... Boy
Parajika A Raagini|A raagini in Indian ... Unisex
Paraka 0carrying over|delivering|sati... Boy
Parakasha Bright... Boy
Parakh Pleasing; Satisfying|Satisfyin... Boy
Parakram One who is born with strength ... Boy
Parakshit -Not Available-... Boy
Param Hans One who is born with supreme s... Boy
Param A supreme and best person|Bein... Boy
Parama Best|Supreme; Highest|The Best... Unisex
Paramaadhar Taking the Highest Support|Tak... Boy
Paramaanand Very Happy... Boy
Paramahamsa A Sage of Highest Order (eg:ra... Boy
Paramahans Sadguru (Holy teacher)... Boy
Paramajeet Victory of Supreme|Victory of ... Boy
Paramajith The Perfect Winner... Boy
Paramak Highest; The Best|One who is a... Boy
Paramakuru Ultimate|Ultimate; Supreme; Hi... Boy
Paraman God Sivan|Highest; Supreme|Nam... Boy
Paramanand One who remains happy; express... Boy
Paramananda One who has superlative joy|Su... Boy
Paramantra Acceptor of Rama's Mantra only... Boy
Paramapurusha The supreme Man... Boy
Paramarath A Spiritual Person|A Spiritual... Boy
Paramarth Highest; Divine truth... Boy
Paramartha Highest Or Divine Truth|Highes... Boy
Paramasivam Lord Shiva; Param - supreme; H... Boy
Paramasivan Lord Shiva|Name of the majesti... Boy
Paramasukha ultimate bliss... Boy
Paramatam Supreme Soul|Supreme Soul; Ult... Boy
Paramatma Lord of all beings|Supersoul|S... Boy
Paramatman One who has the the supreme sp... Boy
Paramatmane The supreme soul... Boy
Parambir One who is of the greatest of ... Unisex
Parambodh Greatest Gnostic|Greatest Gnos... Boy
Paramdaya Most Compassionate One|Most Co... Boy
Paramdeep One who is the from the land o... Unisex
Paramdesh Highest Truth|The highest God|... Boy
Paramdev A Godly Person|A godly and int... Boy
Paramdhan Wealth of Naam|Wealth of Naam;... Boy
Paramdharam Superior Religion|Superior Rel... Boy
Paramesh Lord Shiva|Lord Shiva; Lord Vi... Boy
Paramesha Supreme Lord|Supreme and might... Boy
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A to Z Hindu Boy Baby Names List
Hindu Boy Names Hindu Girl Names Hindu Unisex Names
Modern Baby Names
Astamurti Nrupadh Chadwyk
Jenseraq Wafadar Emillia
Choyen Jin Ae Jag
Tamyra Mansh Ishani
Amarachi Oppillan Grufydd
Heraldo Toat Bente
Nakshatra Name Starting Letter
Anuradha / Anusham Na, Nae, Ne, Nee, Ni, Noo, Nu
Ardra / Thiruvaathirai Chha, Gha, Kam, Ku, Na, Ng
Ashlesha / Aayilyam Day, De, Dee, Di, Do, Doo, Du
Ashvini / Aswathi Chay, Che, Cho, Chu, La
Bharani Le, Lee, Li, Lo, Lu
Chitra / Chithirai Pe, Po, Ra, Ri
Dhanishta / Avittam Ga, Ge, Gee, Gi, Gu
Hasta / Hastham Poo, Pu, Sha, Tha
Jyeshtha / Kettai No, U, Ya, Yi, Yu
Krittika / Karthigai A, E, Ea, Ee, I, U
Magha / Makam Ma, Me, Mi, Mu
Moola / Moolam Bh, Bha, Bhi, Ye, Yo
Mrigashirsha / Makeeryam Be, Bo, Ka, Ki, Ve, Vo
Punarvasu / Punarpoosam Ha, Hi, Ke, Ko
Purva Ashadha / Pooraadam Bhu, Dha, Pha
Purva Bhadrapada / Poorattathi Da, Di, Se, So
Purva Phalguni / Pooram Mo, Ta, Te, Ti
Pushya / Poosam Da, He, Ho, Hu
Revati / Revathi Cha, Chi, De, Do
Rohini Ba, Bee, Bi, Bu, O, Va, Vee, Vi, Vu
Shatabhisha / Chathayam Go, S, Sa, See, Si, Su
Shravana / Thiruvonam Je, Jo, Ju, Khe, Khee, Khi, Kho, Khu
Swati / Swaathi Re, Ro, Roo, Ru, Ta
Uttara Ashadha / Uthiraadam Bhe, Bho, Ja, Ji
Uttara Bhadrapada / Uthirattathi Du, Jha, Tha, Tra
Uttara Phalguni / Uthiram Pa, Pi, To
Vishakha / Visaakam Tae, Te, To, Tu

Baby Names

A Name is a term used for identification. They can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context. A Human name identifies, not necessarily uniquely like digital code but meaning important because its make you unique or its connect to your Country, Origin, Language, Ancestry, History, Society, Culture, Nation, Ethnicity, Religion and Race.

WebConte provide list of A to Z Baby Names with Significant Meaning, Numerology, Zodiac Sign (Rashi) and which are Unique, Cute, Modern, Latest, Popular, Cool, Trendy, Religious, Traditional Lovely, Ancient and Perfect Name for your Newborn Baby.

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Country wise Baby Names
Afghanistan Armenia
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