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Hindu Rashi Nakshatra Bharani Uttara Bhadrapada Chitra Purva Phalguni Mrigashirsha Punarvasu Shatabhisha
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Unique, Cute, Latest & Modern Uthiraadam / Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Baby Names Starting with Ja with Meaning

If you are looking for a Unique and Cute uttara ashadha nakshatra baby names starting with ja with meaning. Get modern, latest uthiraadam nakshatra baby names as per astrology and zodiac sign which are hindu, popular, trending, top, cool, tradition and modern.
Uttara Ashadha is a Nakshatra in Hindu astrology. It is also known as Uthiraadam in Tamil Nadu and Uthraadam in Malayalam.

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Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Baby Names Start with
Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Boy Names Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Girl Names Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Unisex Names

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Baby Names Beginning with Ja

Name Meaning Gender
Jaabili Full Moon; Bright, Luminant an... Unisex
Jaabir Comforter|Comforter; Consoler|... Boy
Jaafar He who comes from the small ri... Boy
Jaagariti Is wakeful... Girl
Jaagrath Awakened... Boy
Jaagrav Alert; Awake; Watchful; Sun, a... Boy
Jaagravi Alert; Awake; Watchful; King... Girl
Jaagritha Alert... Girl
Jaagriti Enlightenment|Existence; Awake... Girl
Jaagruthi Awakening... Girl
Jaahanvi Moon Light|Moon light; Ganga r... Girl
Jaahnav Hindu Rishi who kept Ganga on ... Boy
Jaahnavee River Ganga... Girl
Jaahnavi Another name for River Ganga|R... Girl
Jaai Jaai signifies Victory... Boy
Jaaijit Jaaijit implies Victor... Boy
Jaamini Night|Night; Flower... Girl
Jaan Beloved; Life; Sing|God is Gra... Unisex
Jaanakeedaas Janaki's servant|Servant of Ja... Boy
Jaanakeeraman Husband of Janaki|Janaki's hus... Boy
Jaanaki Daughter of janak, Sita|Goddes... Girl
Jaanavi Ganga - the river; As precious... Girl
Jaanki Another name for Goddess Sita... Girl
Jaanvhi The river Ganga... Girl
Jaanvi As Precious as Your Life|Ganga... Girl
Jaanya Life; Born; Lovable; Father; F... Girl
Jaapak Meditative; Muttering prayers... Boy
Jaashwi Proud of self... Girl
Jaasritha A name of the goddess Lakshimi... Girl
Jaasvin Holy... Boy
Jaathavedhas Fire... Boy
Jaavali -Not Available-... Girl
Jaba A flower name, Hibiscus|Hibisc... Unisex
Jabala Possessing a herd of goats, A ... Girl
Jabali A man who is strong as a rock|... Boy
Jabari Brave|Brave; Strong Hearted; C... Boy
Jabarr One who consoles others... Boy
Jabbaar One who consoles others... Boy
Jabbar Comforter ,Mighty, brave|Compe... Boy
Jabeen A name of the Ganga river|Affe... Girl
Jabeene Forehead; Intelligence|Intelli... Girl
Jaber Consoler, restorer, comforter|... Boy
Jabhar A Lot Live|A variant of Jabbar... Boy
Jabheen Forehead... Girl
Jabi Pray... Girl
Jabilo A man of medicine|Medicine Man... Boy
Jabin Forehead|Forehead, brow|Forehe... Unisex
Jabir Comforter|Consolation; Comfort... Boy
Jaboah Deepak; Light... Unisex
Jacinta A woman with hyacinth color ey... Girl
Jackie A woman protected by God|Dimin... Unisex
Jacksen Son of the man who thinks the ... Boy
Jackson A Familiar Form of Son of Jack... Boy
Jacky A Familiar Form of Jack|A pet ... Unisex
Jaclin God may guard her... Girl
Jaco God might guard... Boy
Jacobe One who believes on God's prot... Boy
Jacobina A woman who believes in the pr... Girl
Jacobo A Form of Jacob|A person who b... Boy
Jacobson A son of one who is protected ... Boy
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A to Z Hindu Baby Names List
Hindu Boy Names Hindu Girl Names Hindu Unisex Names
Modern Baby Names
Lamaka Chandrashree Grwn
Mohsena Nilshikha Hir
Lalitraj Najaah Dhanuhasta
Paandurang Jagseer Jevette
Nanganallal Reit Liwanu
Hanna Aytan Umaimath
Nakshatra Name Starting Letter
Anuradha / Anusham Na, Nae, Ne, Nee, Ni, Noo, Nu
Ardra / Thiruvaathirai Chha, Gha, Kam, Ku, Na, Ng
Ashlesha / Aayilyam Day, De, Dee, Di, Do, Doo, Du
Ashvini / Aswathi Chay, Che, Cho, Chu, La
Bharani Le, Lee, Li, Lo, Lu
Chitra / Chithirai Pe, Po, Ra, Ri
Dhanishta / Avittam Ga, Ge, Gee, Gi, Gu
Hasta / Hastham Poo, Pu, Sha, Tha
Jyeshtha / Kettai No, U, Ya, Yi, Yu
Krittika / Karthigai A, E, Ea, Ee, I, U
Magha / Makam Ma, Me, Mi, Mu
Moola / Moolam Bh, Bha, Bhi, Ye, Yo
Mrigashirsha / Makeeryam Be, Bo, Ka, Ki, Ve, Vo
Punarvasu / Punarpoosam Ha, Hi, Ke, Ko
Purva Ashadha / Pooraadam Bhu, Dha, Pha
Purva Bhadrapada / Poorattathi Da, Di, Se, So
Purva Phalguni / Pooram Mo, Ta, Te, Ti
Pushya / Poosam Da, He, Ho, Hu
Revati / Revathi Cha, Chi, De, Do
Rohini Ba, Bee, Bi, Bu, O, Va, Vee, Vi, Vu
Shatabhisha / Chathayam Go, S, Sa, See, Si, Su
Shravana / Thiruvonam Je, Jo, Ju, Khe, Khee, Khi, Kho, Khu
Swati / Swaathi Re, Ro, Roo, Ru, Ta
Uttara Ashadha / Uthiraadam Bhe, Bho, Ja, Ji
Uttara Bhadrapada / Uthirattathi Du, Jha, Tha, Tra
Uttara Phalguni / Uthiram Pa, Pi, To
Vishakha / Visaakam Tae, Te, To, Tu

Baby Names

A Name is a term used for identification. They can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context. A Human name identifies, not necessarily uniquely like digital code but meaning important because its make you unique or its connect to your Country, Origin, Language, Ancestry, History, Society, Culture, Nation, Ethnicity, Religion and Race.

WebConte provide list of A to Z Baby Names with Significant Meaning, Numerology, Zodiac Sign (Rashi) and which are Unique, Cute, Modern, Latest, Popular, Cool, Trendy, Religious, Traditional Lovely, Ancient and Perfect Name for your Newborn Baby.

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