If you are looking for a Unique and Cute uttara ashadha nakshatra baby names starting with ja with meaning. Get modern, latest uthiraadam nakshatra baby names as per astrology and zodiac sign which are hindu, popular, trending, top, cool, tradition and modern.
Uttara Ashadha is a Nakshatra in Hindu astrology. It is also known as Uthiraadam in Tamil Nadu and Uthraadam in Malayalam.
Name |
Meaning |
Gender |
Jaabili |
Full Moon; Bright, Luminant an... |
Unisex |
Jaabir |
Comforter|Comforter; Consoler|... |
Boy |
Jaafar |
He who comes from the small ri... |
Boy |
Jaagariti |
Is wakeful... |
Girl |
Jaagrath |
Awakened... |
Boy |
Jaagrav |
Alert; Awake; Watchful; Sun, a... |
Boy |
Jaagravi |
Alert; Awake; Watchful; King... |
Girl |
Jaagritha |
Alert... |
Girl |
Jaagriti |
Enlightenment|Existence; Awake... |
Girl |
Jaagruthi |
Awakening... |
Girl |
Jaahanvi |
Moon Light|Moon light; Ganga r... |
Girl |
Jaahnav |
Hindu Rishi who kept Ganga on ... |
Boy |
Jaahnavee |
River Ganga... |
Girl |
Jaahnavi |
Another name for River Ganga|R... |
Girl |
Jaai |
Jaai signifies Victory... |
Boy |
Jaaijit |
Jaaijit implies Victor... |
Boy |
Jaamini |
Night|Night; Flower... |
Girl |
Jaan |
Beloved; Life; Sing|God is Gra... |
Unisex |
Jaanakeedaas |
Janaki's servant|Servant of Ja... |
Boy |
Jaanakeeraman |
Husband of Janaki|Janaki's hus... |
Boy |
Jaanaki |
Daughter of janak, Sita|Goddes... |
Girl |
Jaanavi |
Ganga - the river; As precious... |
Girl |
Jaanki |
Another name for Goddess Sita... |
Girl |
Jaanvhi |
The river Ganga... |
Girl |
Jaanvi |
As Precious as Your Life|Ganga... |
Girl |
Jaanya |
Life; Born; Lovable; Father; F... |
Girl |
Jaapak |
Meditative; Muttering prayers... |
Boy |
Jaashwi |
Proud of self... |
Girl |
Jaasritha |
A name of the goddess Lakshimi... |
Girl |
Jaasvin |
Holy... |
Boy |
Jaathavedhas |
Fire... |
Boy |
Jaavali |
-Not Available-... |
Girl |
Jaba |
A flower name, Hibiscus|Hibisc... |
Unisex |
Jabala |
Possessing a herd of goats, A ... |
Girl |
Jabali |
A man who is strong as a rock|... |
Boy |
Jabari |
Brave|Brave; Strong Hearted; C... |
Boy |
Jabarr |
One who consoles others... |
Boy |
Jabbaar |
One who consoles others... |
Boy |
Jabbar |
Comforter ,Mighty, brave|Compe... |
Boy |
Jabeen |
A name of the Ganga river|Affe... |
Girl |
Jabeene |
Forehead; Intelligence|Intelli... |
Girl |
Jaber |
Consoler, restorer, comforter|... |
Boy |
Jabhar |
A Lot Live|A variant of Jabbar... |
Boy |
Jabheen |
Forehead... |
Girl |
Jabi |
Pray... |
Girl |
Jabilo |
A man of medicine|Medicine Man... |
Boy |
Jabin |
Forehead|Forehead, brow|Forehe... |
Unisex |
Jabir |
Comforter|Consolation; Comfort... |
Boy |
Jaboah |
Deepak; Light... |
Unisex |
Jacinta |
A woman with hyacinth color ey... |
Girl |
Jackie |
A woman protected by God|Dimin... |
Unisex |
Jacksen |
Son of the man who thinks the ... |
Boy |
Jackson |
A Familiar Form of Son of Jack... |
Boy |
Jacky |
A Familiar Form of Jack|A pet ... |
Unisex |
Jaclin |
God may guard her... |
Girl |
Jaco |
God might guard... |
Boy |
Jacobe |
One who believes on God's prot... |
Boy |
Jacobina |
A woman who believes in the pr... |
Girl |
Jacobo |
A Form of Jacob|A person who b... |
Boy |
Jacobson |
A son of one who is protected ... |
Boy |