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HomeBaby NamesNakshatraKrittika NakshatraUnisex

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Unique, Cute, Latest & Modern Karthigai / Krittika Nakshatra Baby Unisex Names Starting with A with Meaning

If you are looking for a Unique and Cute krittika nakshatra baby unisex names starting with a with meaning. Get modern, latest karthigai nakshatra baby unisex names as per astrology and zodiac sign which are hindu, popular, trending, top, cool, tradition and modern. A unisex name (also known as gender neutral name or an androgynous name) is a given name that is not gender specific which for both boy or girl.
Krittika is a Nakshatra in Hindu astrology. It is also known as Karthigai in Tamil Nadu and Kaarthika in Malayalam. Krittika Nakshatra is called Krithika.

Baby Name By Origin, Religion, Country
Category List
Krittika Nakshatra Baby Unisex Names Start with
A E Ea Ee I U
Krittika Nakshatra Boy Names Krittika Nakshatra Girl Names Krittika Nakshatra Unisex Names

Krittika Nakshatra Baby Unisex Names Beginning with A

Name Meaning Gender
Alekya In Indian origin it means whic... Unisex
Alesa Large|Large; Much; Not Little|... Unisex
Ali Bee|Elevated, High Status|Elev... Unisex
Alia A Form of Aliya|An Old German ... Unisex
Alin Celtic - Little Rock, Harmony ... Unisex
Alinda Balcony; Noble Shield|Noble Sh... Unisex
Alipriya Beloved of the Blacktree|Red l... Unisex
Alisa A form of Alice meaning '(Of) ... Unisex
Aliva Elf army|Olive Tree... Unisex
Alivia Alivia is Olive Tree|Bleach|El... Unisex
Alli Feminine of Alexander; Long-ta... Unisex
Allu Celtic - Little Rock, Harmony ... Unisex
Alma A young woman, Damsel|All Good... Unisex
Almas A Diamond|A Diamond; Brightnes... Unisex
Almika The Sky... Unisex
Aloka Faultless|Light; Look; View|Vi... Unisex
Aloki Brightness|Brightness; Lustrou... Unisex
Alopa A challenging name depicting I... Unisex
Alpha 'Firstborn.' The first letter ... Unisex
Aluka An ebony person who is inventi... Unisex
Amal A female companion|As Pure As ... Unisex
Amala 1. Spotless. 2. Clean; pure; s... Unisex
Amalendu Full Moon|Lord Chandra, Moon|P... Unisex
Amama A girl with a strong heart and... Unisex
Aman Peace|Peace, Peaceful|Peace; T... Unisex
Amana A warrior at heart who is fait... Unisex
Amanat A prized possession filled wit... Unisex
Amanda Active|Deserving of love, Lova... Unisex
Amandeep Emanating the light of peace|L... Unisex
Amani A name which means wishes, des... Unisex
Amanjeet One Who Attains To Peace|Peace... Unisex
Amanjeevan Lives A Peaceful Life|Lives a ... Unisex
Amanjot Emanating the light of peace|R... Unisex
Amanpal Peace Protector|Peace Protecto... Unisex
Amanpreet Emanating the light of peace|L... Unisex
Amanroop The Embodiment of Peace|The Em... Unisex
Amanvir One who Fights for Peace|One w... Unisex
Amara Assistance; Grass; Eternal Bea... Unisex
Amaraja A Sacred River; Daughter of th... Unisex
Amardeep Eternal Light|Eternal Light; I... Unisex
Amari An strong and eternally lovely... Unisex
Amariah An alluring and pure name whic... Unisex
Amaris Amaris Meaning Child of The Mo... Unisex
Amarisa Given By God|Given by God, The... Unisex
Amarjeet Forever Victorious|Forever vic... Unisex
Amarjit Forever victorious|One who has... Unisex
Amarjot The Immortal Light|The Immorta... Unisex
Amarleen Forever Absorbed In God|Foreve... Unisex
Amarpreet Immortal Love of God|Love for ... Unisex
Amarta Immortality|The ultimate immor... Unisex
Amarthya Immortal|Immortal; one with no... Unisex
Amartya 1. Immortal. 2. Divine; a god|... Unisex
Amaruka Son of Immortal|The son of imm... Unisex
Amas Fine; Soft; Raw; Not Hard|Raw;... Unisex
Amaya Goddess of Nature; Night's Rai... Unisex
Ambar A Form of Amber|Ambergris|Sky... Unisex
Ambara Heaven; Sky; Saffron|Perfume, ... Unisex
Amber A jewel name that became popul... Unisex
Ambhasa Another name of Goddess Parvat... Unisex
Ambi Goddess Amba (Goddess Durga); ... Unisex
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A to Z Hindu Unisex Baby Names List
Hindu Boy Names Hindu Girl Names Hindu Unisex Names
Trending Baby Names Start with Alphabet
1 Southeast Asian Unisex Names Starting with Ze
2 North Indian Names Starting with Taa
3 Kannada Unisex Names Starting with Re
4 Greek Boy Names Starting with Dym
5 Punjabi Sikh Boy Names Starting with Maa
6 Polish Boy Names Starting with Alo
Modern Baby Names
Adhikar Ogano Sally
Shobhini Kwyn Karismhma
Akashpreet Ossie Neelavan
Fastyar Korie Fanaa
Pen Chan Meshia Dvivida
Bhramagya Confucius Meyirzhan
Nakshatra Name Starting Letter
Anuradha / Anusham Na, Nae, Ne, Nee, Ni, Noo, Nu
Ardra / Thiruvaathirai Chha, Gha, Kam, Ku, Na, Ng
Ashlesha / Aayilyam Day, De, Dee, Di, Do, Doo, Du
Ashvini / Aswathi Chay, Che, Cho, Chu, La
Bharani Le, Lee, Li, Lo, Lu
Chitra / Chithirai Pe, Po, Ra, Ri
Dhanishta / Avittam Ga, Ge, Gee, Gi, Gu
Hasta / Hastham Poo, Pu, Sha, Tha
Jyeshtha / Kettai No, U, Ya, Yi, Yu
Krittika / Karthigai A, E, Ea, Ee, I, U
Magha / Makam Ma, Me, Mi, Mu
Moola / Moolam Bh, Bha, Bhi, Ye, Yo
Mrigashirsha / Makeeryam Be, Bo, Ka, Ki, Ve, Vo
Punarvasu / Punarpoosam Ha, Hi, Ke, Ko
Purva Ashadha / Pooraadam Bhu, Dha, Pha
Purva Bhadrapada / Poorattathi Da, Di, Se, So
Purva Phalguni / Pooram Mo, Ta, Te, Ti
Pushya / Poosam Da, He, Ho, Hu
Revati / Revathi Cha, Chi, De, Do
Rohini Ba, Bee, Bi, Bu, O, Va, Vee, Vi, Vu
Shatabhisha / Chathayam Go, S, Sa, See, Si, Su
Shravana / Thiruvonam Je, Jo, Ju, Khe, Khee, Khi, Kho, Khu
Swati / Swaathi Re, Ro, Roo, Ru, Ta
Uttara Ashadha / Uthiraadam Bhe, Bho, Ja, Ji
Uttara Bhadrapada / Uthirattathi Du, Jha, Tha, Tra
Uttara Phalguni / Uthiram Pa, Pi, To
Vishakha / Visaakam Tae, Te, To, Tu
Religion List
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