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Hindu Nakshatra Rashi Karka / Cancer Mithuna / Gemini Tula / Libra Makara / Capricorn Meena / Pisces Vrishchika / Scorpio
HomeBaby NamesRashiKanya RashiBoy

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Unique, Cute, Latest & Modern Virgo / Kanya Rashi Baby Boy Names Starting with P with Meaning

If you are looking for a Unique and Cute kanya rashi baby boy names starting with p with meaning. Get modern, latest virgo baby boy names as per astrology and zodiac sign which are popular, trending, top, cool, tradition and modern.

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Category List
Kanya Rashi Baby Boy Names Start with
P Tthh
Kanya Rashi Boy Names Kanya Rashi Girl Names Kanya Rashi Unisex Names

Kanya Rashi Baby Boy Names Beginning with P

Name Meaning Gender
Pooran Complete|Complete; Fulfilled; ... Unisex
Pooranbir Perfect and Brave|Perfect and ... Boy
Pooranjit The victory of the perfect|Vic... Boy
Pooranjot Light of the Perfect|Light of ... Boy
Pooranpreet Perfect Love|Perfect Love; Com... Boy
Poorbi A classical melody; From the e... Unisex
Poorna Complete|Complete; Fullfilment... Unisex
Poornachander Full Moon|Full moon; Bright, B... Boy
Poornachandra Full Moon|Full moon; Bright, B... Boy
Poornakamala A Blooming Lotus|A lady who is... Unisex
Poornamada Complete; Whole... Boy
Poornamrith Full of nectar... Boy
Poornamrut A person who is the sweetest|F... Boy
Poornan Complete... Boy
Poornanand Complete Joy|One who bring com... Boy
Poornapragna One who knows everything; Coml... Boy
Poornayu A person who is filled with, f... Boy
Poornendu Full Moon... Boy
Poornima Full Moon|Full Moon, The night... Unisex
Poorv A singing voice that is heart ... Boy
Poorva Earlier One, Elder, East|Earli... Unisex
Poorvaganga One who comes from the River N... Unisex
Poorvaj An ancestro or an elder person... Boy
Poorvaja Elder Sister|She who is an old... Unisex
Poorvans The Moon... Boy
Poorvash Full moon; Bright, Brilliant|F... Boy
Poorvesh Earth|He who is like the Earth... Boy
Poorvi A Classical Melody|A classical... Unisex
Poorvith A Complete Man|One who is a co... Boy
Pooshan A variant of Pushan; God of fe... Boy
Poovan God of Flower|God of Flower; W... Boy
Poovannan Flower Forest|Forest of Flower... Boy
Poovarasan A handsome person who is the K... Boy
Poovendan A person with qualities of a l... Boy
Popat One who is like a parrot|Parro... Unisex
Popatraja King of Parrot|King of Parrot;... Boy
Popo A very tall grass of rye|Lovel... Unisex
Porkael Hindu name meaning Zulu|Zulu... Boy
Porunan A male name of Hindi origin... Boy
Porush Man Power|Powerful|The power o... Boy
Posh An elegant, tasteful, fashiona... Unisex
Posha English American - A fancy you... Unisex
Poshen Servant of God... Boy
Poshit Nourished; Defended; Loved... Boy
Poshita Dearly Loved|Dearly Loved; Bel... Unisex
Poshya Dearly Loved; Beloved; One who... Unisex
Posita nourished, protected, cherised... Boy
Pothraj A brave young man|Brave Guy... Boy
Potriya Son; Grand-son; Offspring; Des... Unisex
Poudhan Lord Bahubali's Capital|The ca... Boy
Poumit Collection of Love|One of the ... Boy
Pourab East|Hindi name meaning East... Boy
Pourush -Not Available-... Boy
Poya Curious|The one who is constan... Unisex
Poyyamoli A smart, prognostic Boy|Prophe... Boy
Pozhilan Handsome|Handsome; Charming; A... Boy
Pra Ganga; River|One who is like a... Boy
Praacheth Name of Valmiki|One of many na... Boy
Praachik Long-legged; Driving... Boy
Praagvansh A name of Lord Nishnu|Another ... Boy
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A to Z Hindu Boy Baby Names List
Hindu Boy Names Hindu Girl Names Hindu Unisex Names
Modern Baby Names
Manzar Jerold Tanith
Toshana Mahagauri Norwinn
Suryajith Tzeitel Poyyamoli
Kunsa Manimaaran Sureshwaram
Morinne Moonesar Hevovitastamiutsto
Sucheta Eitri Advitha
Rashi Name Starting Letter
Dhanu / Sagittarius Bh, F, Dh
Kanya / Virgo P, Tthh
Karka / Cancer Dd, H
Kumbha / Aquarius G, S, Sh
Makara / Capricorn Kh, J
Meena / Pisces D, Ch, Z, Th
Mesha / Aries A, L, E, I, O
Mithuna / Gemini K, Chh, Gh, Q, C
Simha / Leo M, Tt
Tula / Libra R, T
Vrishchika / Scorpio N, Y
Vrishabha / Taurus B, V, U, W

Baby Names

A Name is a term used for identification. They can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context. A Human name identifies, not necessarily uniquely like digital code but meaning important because its make you unique or its connect to your Country, Origin, Language, Ancestry, History, Society, Culture, Nation, Ethnicity, Religion and Race.

WebConte provide list of A to Z Baby Names with Significant Meaning, Numerology, Zodiac Sign (Rashi) and which are Unique, Cute, Modern, Latest, Popular, Cool, Trendy, Religious, Traditional Lovely, Ancient and Perfect Name for your Newborn Baby.

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Country wise Baby Names
Afghanistan Armenia
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