If you are looking for a Unique and Cute kanya rashi baby boy names starting with p with meaning. Get modern, latest virgo baby boy names as per astrology and zodiac sign which are popular, trending, top, cool, tradition and modern.
Name |
Meaning |
Gender |
Pooran |
Complete|Complete; Fulfilled; ... |
Unisex |
Pooranbir |
Perfect and Brave|Perfect and ... |
Boy |
Pooranjit |
The victory of the perfect|Vic... |
Boy |
Pooranjot |
Light of the Perfect|Light of ... |
Boy |
Pooranpreet |
Perfect Love|Perfect Love; Com... |
Boy |
Poorbi |
A classical melody; From the e... |
Unisex |
Poorna |
Complete|Complete; Fullfilment... |
Unisex |
Poornachander |
Full Moon|Full moon; Bright, B... |
Boy |
Poornachandra |
Full Moon|Full moon; Bright, B... |
Boy |
Poornakamala |
A Blooming Lotus|A lady who is... |
Unisex |
Poornamada |
Complete; Whole... |
Boy |
Poornamrith |
Full of nectar... |
Boy |
Poornamrut |
A person who is the sweetest|F... |
Boy |
Poornan |
Complete... |
Boy |
Poornanand |
Complete Joy|One who bring com... |
Boy |
Poornapragna |
One who knows everything; Coml... |
Boy |
Poornayu |
A person who is filled with, f... |
Boy |
Poornendu |
Full Moon... |
Boy |
Poornima |
Full Moon|Full Moon, The night... |
Unisex |
Poorv |
A singing voice that is heart ... |
Boy |
Poorva |
Earlier One, Elder, East|Earli... |
Unisex |
Poorvaganga |
One who comes from the River N... |
Unisex |
Poorvaj |
An ancestro or an elder person... |
Boy |
Poorvaja |
Elder Sister|She who is an old... |
Unisex |
Poorvans |
The Moon... |
Boy |
Poorvash |
Full moon; Bright, Brilliant|F... |
Boy |
Poorvesh |
Earth|He who is like the Earth... |
Boy |
Poorvi |
A Classical Melody|A classical... |
Unisex |
Poorvith |
A Complete Man|One who is a co... |
Boy |
Pooshan |
A variant of Pushan; God of fe... |
Boy |
Poovan |
God of Flower|God of Flower; W... |
Boy |
Poovannan |
Flower Forest|Forest of Flower... |
Boy |
Poovarasan |
A handsome person who is the K... |
Boy |
Poovendan |
A person with qualities of a l... |
Boy |
Popat |
One who is like a parrot|Parro... |
Unisex |
Popatraja |
King of Parrot|King of Parrot;... |
Boy |
Popo |
A very tall grass of rye|Lovel... |
Unisex |
Porkael |
Hindu name meaning Zulu|Zulu... |
Boy |
Porunan |
A male name of Hindi origin... |
Boy |
Porush |
Man Power|Powerful|The power o... |
Boy |
Posh |
An elegant, tasteful, fashiona... |
Unisex |
Posha |
English American - A fancy you... |
Unisex |
Poshen |
Servant of God... |
Boy |
Poshit |
Nourished; Defended; Loved... |
Boy |
Poshita |
Dearly Loved|Dearly Loved; Bel... |
Unisex |
Poshya |
Dearly Loved; Beloved; One who... |
Unisex |
Posita |
nourished, protected, cherised... |
Boy |
Pothraj |
A brave young man|Brave Guy... |
Boy |
Potriya |
Son; Grand-son; Offspring; Des... |
Unisex |
Poudhan |
Lord Bahubali's Capital|The ca... |
Boy |
Poumit |
Collection of Love|One of the ... |
Boy |
Pourab |
East|Hindi name meaning East... |
Boy |
Pourush |
-Not Available-... |
Boy |
Poya |
Curious|The one who is constan... |
Unisex |
Poyyamoli |
A smart, prognostic Boy|Prophe... |
Boy |
Pozhilan |
Handsome|Handsome; Charming; A... |
Boy |
Pra |
Ganga; River|One who is like a... |
Boy |
Praacheth |
Name of Valmiki|One of many na... |
Boy |
Praachik |
Long-legged; Driving... |
Boy |
Praagvansh |
A name of Lord Nishnu|Another ... |
Boy |