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Hindu Nakshatra Rashi Vrishchika / Scorpio Tula / Libra Karka / Cancer Mithuna / Gemini Kanya / Virgo Dhanu / Sagittarius
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Unique, Cute, Latest & Modern Virgo / Kanya Rashi Baby Boy Names Starting with P with Meaning

If you are looking for a Unique and Cute kanya rashi baby boy names starting with p with meaning. Get modern, latest virgo baby boy names as per astrology and zodiac sign which are popular, trending, top, cool, tradition and modern.

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Kanya Rashi Baby Boy Names Start with
P Tthh
Kanya Rashi Boy Names Kanya Rashi Girl Names Kanya Rashi Unisex Names

Kanya Rashi Baby Boy Names Beginning with P

Name Meaning Gender
Petva Gold|One which is like gold an... Unisex
Peyusha A person who is as pure as amr... Unisex
Phaalgun Name of a month in Spring seas... Boy
Phaedra Bright|Daughter of Minos|One w... Unisex
Phagun A Hindu Month|Name of a hindu ... Boy
Phaindra A powerful and divine snake|Ki... Boy
Phala Prosperous... Boy
Phalak Heaven|Heaven, Sky|Heaven; The... Unisex
Phalaksh One Having an Eye on Brow|To h... Boy
Phalarama consisting of fruits, orchard... Boy
Phalgu small, red, spring... Boy
Phalgum Another Name of Arjun|Name of ... Boy
Phalgun . A Month In Hindu Calander|A ... Boy
Phalguna Born when Falguni Nakshatra wa... Unisex
Phalguni Born In Falgun - A Hindu Month... Unisex
Phalodaka fruit juice, a yaksa who was a... Boy
Phaneendra King of Gods|King of Serpents|... Boy
Phaneesh King of Serpents. Phaneendra K... Boy
Phanesh Appear; Handsome... Boy
Phani One who has power of snake|Sna... Boy
Phanibhusan Another name for Lord Shiva|Lo... Boy
Phanibhushan Lord Shiva, The one who wears ... Boy
Phaninath . Lord of Serpents|King of Ser... Boy
Phanindra . King of Gods|King of Gods|Ki... Boy
Phanindranath Lord Vishnu|Lord Vishnu; The L... Boy
Phaniraj A quick minded King of serpant... Boy
Phanish A cosmic serpant; very powerfu... Boy
Phanishwar . King of Serpents|King of Ser... Boy
Phavit -Not Available-... Boy
Pheakdei Loyalty and honesty|loyalty; h... Unisex
Phelan Little Wolf; Joyful|Little wol... Boy
Phenil A person who is foamy|Foamy... Boy
Philena Lover of Mankind|One who is th... Unisex
Phiroza Armenian - Turquoise|Successfu... Unisex
Phirum Peacefulness, serenity|peacefu... Boy
Phirun Drizzle|Rain... Boy
Phoola A flower which is about to blo... Unisex
Phoolan Flower|Flowering|Flowering; Bl... Unisex
Phoolendu . Full Moon|Full Moon|Full moo... Boy
Phosak -Not Available-... Boy
Phulwant Full of Flower Fragrance|One w... Boy
Pia Beloved|Devout|Italian name... Unisex
Piaar Love, Attachment; Beloved; Dea... Unisex
Pialli A tree... Boy
Piar Affection; Love|Love; Affectio... Boy
Piara King of Serpents|Name of the K... Boy
Pices King... Boy
Pich Diamond... Unisex
Pichai A confident and independent pe... Boy
Pichchaith A resourceful, loving and prac... Boy
Pihu A loving chattering of birds|C... Unisex
Pijush A likable, social and easy-goi... Boy
Pikesh A strong, ambitious and creati... Boy
Piki Cuckoo|Indian Cuckoo; A Ngati-... Unisex
Pilar Fountain Base; Pillar|Pillar|P... Unisex
Pilesha A full moon on the sky|Full Mo... Boy
Pillaiyar Lord Ganesha|One of many names... Boy
Pillan Supreme Essence|The God of sto... Unisex
Pimal -Not Available-... Boy
Pina Drinking|Yahweh will give anot... Unisex
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A to Z Hindu Boy Baby Names List
Hindu Boy Names Hindu Girl Names Hindu Unisex Names
Modern Baby Names
Kiranmeet Chaika Aniam
Abhikama Vibhakar Alexzandria
Jarbai Earc Nicolaas
Harchet Naveenya Dixie
Yazmin Richeard Mohak
Deshnee Polikwaptiwa Gananath
Rashi Name Starting Letter
Dhanu / Sagittarius Bh, F, Dh
Kanya / Virgo P, Tthh
Karka / Cancer Dd, H
Kumbha / Aquarius G, S, Sh
Makara / Capricorn Kh, J
Meena / Pisces D, Ch, Z, Th
Mesha / Aries A, L, E, I, O
Mithuna / Gemini K, Chh, Gh, Q, C
Simha / Leo M, Tt
Tula / Libra R, T
Vrishchika / Scorpio N, Y
Vrishabha / Taurus B, V, U, W

Baby Names

A Name is a term used for identification. They can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context. A Human name identifies, not necessarily uniquely like digital code but meaning important because its make you unique or its connect to your Country, Origin, Language, Ancestry, History, Society, Culture, Nation, Ethnicity, Religion and Race.

WebConte provide list of A to Z Baby Names with Significant Meaning, Numerology, Zodiac Sign (Rashi) and which are Unique, Cute, Modern, Latest, Popular, Cool, Trendy, Religious, Traditional Lovely, Ancient and Perfect Name for your Newborn Baby.

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Country wise Baby Names
Afghanistan Armenia
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