Parvatha Baby Name with meaning, boy, origin and numerology as per astrology, popularity, religion, history, variations and alternatives baby names ideas.
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Parvatha Meaning, Gender, Numerology | |
Name | Parvatha |
Gender | Boy |
Numerology | 6 |
Parvatha Name Meaning | |
Modern Baby Names | ||
Haldan | Yadvitha | Finnlay |
Vanishri | Nehemiah | Paarthiv |
Dyonisya | Aaghosh | Renilda |
Grhini | Kalapini | Zacheus |
Cayetano | Intisara | Kabhoo |
Pahi | Teryn | Geevitha |
Ques 1.: What is the meaning of Parvatha?
Ans.: Parvatha Name means Prince of Earth, The name provided to the prince of Earth, The one who is prince on Mother Earth. it is belong Asian, Hindu, Israeli, Kanya Rashi, South Asian, West Asian categories.
Ques 2.: What gender is the name Parvatha?
Ans.: Parvatha is Boy Names which used for man and baby boy.
Ques 3.: What kind of name is Parvatha?
Ans.: Parvatha is Boy Names. which is belong Hindi, Indian, Jewish, Middle East, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra categories.
Ques 4.: Is Parvatha a Hindi name?
Ans.: Yes. Parvatha is a Hindi name and which means Prince of Earth, The name provided to the prince of Earth, The one who is prince on Mother Earth.
A Name is a term used for identification. They can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context. A Human name identifies, not necessarily uniquely like digital code but meaning important because its make you unique or its connect to your Country, Origin, Language, Ancestry, History, Society, Culture, Nation, Ethnicity, Religion and Race.
WebConte provide list of A to Z Baby Names with Significant Meaning, Numerology, Zodiac Sign (Rashi) and which are Unique, Cute, Modern, Latest, Popular, Cool, Trendy, Religious, Traditional Lovely, Ancient and Perfect Name for your Newborn Baby.
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