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Hindu Rashi Nakshatra Purva Phalguni Punarvasu Anuradha Mrigashirsha Ardra Uttara Bhadrapada Ashvini
HomeBaby NamesNakshatraAnuradha NakshatraBoy

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Unique, Cute, Latest & Modern Anusham / Anuradha Nakshatra Baby Boy Names Starting with Na with Meaning

If you are looking for a Unique and Cute anuradha nakshatra baby boy names starting with na with meaning. Get modern, latest anusham nakshatra baby boy names as per astrology and zodiac sign which are hindu, popular, trending, top, cool, tradition and modern.
Anuradha is a Nakshatra in Hindu astrology. It is also known as Anusham in Tamil Nadu and Anizham in Malayalam.

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Anuradha Nakshatra Baby Boy Names Beginning with Na

Name Meaning Gender
Nabhij Lord Brahama|Lord Brahma|Lord ... Boy
Nabhinath Fearless... Boy
Nabhiraj Father of lord Rishabhdev|Lord... Boy
Nabhita Fearless... Unisex
Nabhith Fearless|The person who is obl... Boy
Nabhkanti Light of Sky|The person who re... Boy
Nabhoda one who has arisen from the sk... Boy
Nabhoj Born In Sky|The person who cam... Boy
Nabhomandal New Moon|The person who resemb... Boy
Nabhomani Jewel of The Sky ( Sun)|Jewel ... Boy
Nabhorupa form of the sky, beyond any sh... Boy
Nabhovithi the path of the sun... Boy
Nabhya Central|Centre of body, An anc... Unisex
Nabil Another Name for God; Wise; Ge... Boy
Nabin New|The person who is fresh or... Boy
Nabina New|The person who is new and ... Boy
Nabinchandra Freedom|The fresh moon, or a c... Boy
Nachiappa Father of a burning fire|Speed... Boy
Nachik A Short Form of Nachiketa|A ve... Boy
Nachiket Son of Vajashravas|The person ... Boy
Nachiketa An Ancient Rishi, Fire|An Anci... Boy
Nachiketan Fire|Something meant to burn... Boy
Nachiketas The name of the boy who went t... Boy
Nachiketh Fire from the hell|Son of Vaja... Boy
Nachimi One who is friendly and hass a... Boy
Nachni Dancer, Suggestive Look|Dancer... Unisex
Nacoma Having the character that attr... Boy
Nadal First in Fight of Islam; Fortu... Boy
Nadamuni A hermit sound or music|Name o... Boy
Nadan Very simple... Boy
Nadapratithishta One Who Appreciates And Loves ... Boy
Nadav A Generous One; Nobel|Generous... Boy
Nadeem Companion, Friend|Confidant; R... Boy
Nadeen A Form of Nadia|Hope|Hopeful... Unisex
Nadeep Lord of wealth... Boy
Nadeesh God of River (ocean)|God of Ri... Boy
Nadhamuni Naradha Maharshi|The name of N... Boy
Nadhir Fresh; Dear; Rare; Pinnacle|Th... Boy
Nadia Beginning|Beginning, First|Cal... Unisex
Nadiahope A hopeful promise to others... Unisex
Nadim Companion; Friend|Drinking Com... Boy
Nadin Lord of Rivers|Lord of rivers;... Unisex
Nadinatha The Lord of Rivers|The Lord of... Boy
Nadipati The Lord of Rivers|The Master ... Boy
Nadir Dear, Rare, Precious|Dear, Rar... Boy
Nadira Dear, Rare, Precious, Pinnacle... Unisex
Nadish From the large deep ocean|God ... Boy
Nadisha The Lord of Rivers|The Master ... Boy
Nadra One who is precious, rare|Radi... Unisex
Nadwa Council|Council, Generosity|Co... Unisex
Naeem Benevoent|Blessing, Comfort, E... Boy
Nafi Beneficial, Advantageous|One W... Boy
Nag Raj King of the serpents; King of ... Boy
Naga A Smart Boy|Smart; Snake|The p... Boy
Naga-Arjun Name of Lord Shiva... Boy
Nagaarjun Name of Lord Shiva... Boy
Nagabhooshan Siva; Who Wears Serpents as Or... Boy
Nagabhooshanam Ocean|Who wears ornamental sna... Boy
Nagabhushan King of God; Snake Phani|One W... Boy
Nagabhushana One who has serpents as orname... Boy
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Modern Baby Names
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Nakshatra Name Starting Letter
Anuradha / Anusham Na, Nae, Ne, Nee, Ni, Noo, Nu
Ardra / Thiruvaathirai Chha, Gha, Kam, Ku, Na, Ng
Ashlesha / Aayilyam Day, De, Dee, Di, Do, Doo, Du
Ashvini / Aswathi Chay, Che, Cho, Chu, La
Bharani Le, Lee, Li, Lo, Lu
Chitra / Chithirai Pe, Po, Ra, Ri
Dhanishta / Avittam Ga, Ge, Gee, Gi, Gu
Hasta / Hastham Poo, Pu, Sha, Tha
Jyeshtha / Kettai No, U, Ya, Yi, Yu
Krittika / Karthigai A, E, Ea, Ee, I, U
Magha / Makam Ma, Me, Mi, Mu
Moola / Moolam Bh, Bha, Bhi, Ye, Yo
Mrigashirsha / Makeeryam Be, Bo, Ka, Ki, Ve, Vo
Punarvasu / Punarpoosam Ha, Hi, Ke, Ko
Purva Ashadha / Pooraadam Bhu, Dha, Pha
Purva Bhadrapada / Poorattathi Da, Di, Se, So
Purva Phalguni / Pooram Mo, Ta, Te, Ti
Pushya / Poosam Da, He, Ho, Hu
Revati / Revathi Cha, Chi, De, Do
Rohini Ba, Bee, Bi, Bu, O, Va, Vee, Vi, Vu
Shatabhisha / Chathayam Go, S, Sa, See, Si, Su
Shravana / Thiruvonam Je, Jo, Ju, Khe, Khee, Khi, Kho, Khu
Swati / Swaathi Re, Ro, Roo, Ru, Ta
Uttara Ashadha / Uthiraadam Bhe, Bho, Ja, Ji
Uttara Bhadrapada / Uthirattathi Du, Jha, Tha, Tra
Uttara Phalguni / Uthiram Pa, Pi, To
Vishakha / Visaakam Tae, Te, To, Tu

Baby Names

A Name is a term used for identification. They can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context. A Human name identifies, not necessarily uniquely like digital code but meaning important because its make you unique or its connect to your Country, Origin, Language, Ancestry, History, Society, Culture, Nation, Ethnicity, Religion and Race.

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