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Jadav - Meaning, People, Religion, Origin, Caste & History

Religions Hinduism
Languages Gujarati, Hindi, Marwari
Country India
Populated States Rajasthan, Gujarat
Region Western India
Surnames Jadav, Singh
Alternative Names Jagirdar
Festivals Hindu Festivals

Who are Jadav

The Jadav people are found in the states of gujarat and rajasthan in india.
The Jadav claim to a rajput heritage, and thus to be kshatriya in the traditional varna ritual ranking system of Hinduism, is rejected by most other rajput community. surnames of jadav are jadav, singh. they are their endogamy, which is commonly thought to be an implicit feature of indian castes, is a recent development, according to ghanshyam shah, they previously practised hypergamy by marrying their women with rajputs.

Famous People of the Jadav Community

NameProfession / Popular
Joravarsinh JadavIndian folklorist
Kishore Jadavnovelist

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ques 1. Who is known as Jadav?
Ans.: The Jadav people are found in the states of gujarat and rajasthan in india. The Jadav claim to a rajput heritage, and thus to be kshatriya in the traditional varna ritual ranking system of Hinduism, is rejected by most other rajput community.

Ques 2. What does the surname Jadav mean?
Ans.: People from Jadav community which mainly living in gujarat and rajasthan

Ques 3.: What is last name for Jadav?
Ans.: Surnames of People from Jadav community are Jadav, Singh.

Ques 4. In which state Jadav population is more?
Ans.: The Agarwal population are found in Rajasthan, Gujarat(India).

Ques 5. What is the population of Jadav?
Ans.: Most of Jadav community live in india and Pakistan. total population of Jadav is 13 Million approximately.

Ques 6. Who are famous Jadav?
Ans.: List of Famous Personalities of Jadav community.
Joravarsinh Jadav - Indian folklorist
Kishore Jadav - novelist.

If any kind of information are wrong or misguide then contact us via email
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